Working with schools to create bespoke specialist stained glass and mosaic workshops for children of all ages.. Some are installations for chosen sites in a school and some are individual pieces work for children to take home.

Work created by yr5 and 6 pupils during workshops I ran at  Enfield School. Each petal was created by a group of 6 children on the subject of well being. Each group created their own ideas to respond to the brief being given previous instruction about the colour and size of their petal.

World cup themed fusing workshops - yr 6  children did some supervised cutting up glass
Olympics themed glass mosaic workshop - yr 5 . Precut tessarae were proviced

Workshops inspired by medieval painted glass - yr 10 students cut glass and soldered
Glass panel created by yr 7 children ready for fusing and to then be encorporated into a stained glass window
Inspired by the theme " What does god look like" - glass mosaic panels by yr 7 children
Assembling glass Tessarae before sticking
Finished copperfoiled glass mirror - Yr 10 student


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